Re-discovering Health in Nature

Re-Discovering Health in Nature!

Nature is not just the inspiration for my art anymore.....Nature will define how I live my life.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Reboot - Day 8

I have discovered a few things in the past few days.....which I will now put to the test.

So after my last post I did go biking, and the next day I had lost a couple more pounds.  Awesome, right?  You betcha!  Then on Saturday I went berry picking with Heather in the Dells for most of the day.  I brought plenty of fruits, and bought a couple of Naked Juices to stay on track....however, when I bought her lunch at Culver's, I couldn't resist the temptation of the aroma of the buffalo tenders she'd ordered.  Bad me...I know!  I only took about 4 bites  not the end of the world....especially since I plan to go back to eating meat eventually.....   But, then on Sunday, I woke up having gained 1 pound!  I blamed it on the little bit of chicken....tho that seems pretty ridiculous....after do 4 bites of chicken equate to 1 pound?  A friend suggested, perhaps it was simply water retention, as the chicken most likely was high in sodium, as most fast food is.  I agreed that this could in fact be the case.  So, Sunday came along......I went for my usual 10 mile bike ride.  Very good!  Here's what I ate or drank:
8am - banana
8:30 - juice
11:30 Naked Juice on the way to biking
12:30 apple after biking
2:30 raisins (just bought at the store, I don't think this was a good idea)
4:40 Hot & Spice roasted tomato & red pepper soup (recipe below!!)
6:30 apple sauce
8:30 cherries
10:30 cherries (my stomach was growling!)

Not horrible, right?
One thing you may notice, is an awful lot of fruit......and late at night as well.  This, I believe, is one prominent reason I woke up this morning having gained another 1.5 lbs!  Though, I certainly didn't eat 1.5lbs of fruit!  I don't have all of the answers....but, these next few days, I will test my theories.  My other theory, regarding my weight gain after Saturday's excursion:  no exercise=weight gain.

So going forward, I will do the following:
Limit fruit eaten during the day (perhaps 3 total servings)
No dried fruit
No fruit after 6pm
No fruit heavy juices in the evening (veggie heavy only)
Exercise every day (always push a little farther/faster)

So far today I have had:
7am Juice
9am Banana 1/2 way thru biking
10:30 juice after biking
11:30  1/2 green juice while making new batch
12:45 grapes while starting this post
The rest of the day:
3:00 juice
6:00 Tomato soup
Possibly small peach this afternoon
I rode an extra 4 miles on my bike trip, and pushed to the top of a hill I normally turn around on!

I will update with the results of my theory testing:

As promised, here is my recipe for :
Hot & Spicy Roasted Tomato & Red Pepper Soup + Jalapeno

4 organic tomatoes
1 organic red bell pepper
1 organic jalapeno
1 jar of sun-dried tomatoes-rinsed
1 carton of organic, low sodium vegetable broth

Roast the tomatoes & peppers in the broiler, rotating every 3 mins til browned on all sides

Place rinsed, sun-dried tomatoes in the blender and pulse & chop 
Add in roasted tomatoes & peppers, and grate & chop, occasionally stirring with a spoon to get all pieces down to the blades.  Combine until it reaches a somewhat smooth consistency.

Heat veggie broth over medium flame until hot.  Add in the tomato/pepper mixture and stir well, continuing to heat for several minutes.

Ladle into large bowls and enjoy!!!!

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