Re-discovering Health in Nature

Re-Discovering Health in Nature!

Nature is not just the inspiration for my art anymore.....Nature will define how I live my life.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Reboot - Day 23:

The last couple of days I have incorporated eating a peach, along with the juice.  Yesterday, I totally broke my fast by eating a piece of bread &  butter & a hamburger for dinner, along with my tomato soup.  I had been feeling extremely tired the last few legs would just burn after walking bike ride would wear me out completely, to where it was all I could do to get back to my car.  Juicing is supposed to give you tons of energy...from everything I've read.....and at the beginning I did feel as if that were so.  But as time has gone on, I feel no energy at all.  I have to admit, that I did stop using the spirulina in my juice, as the taste was too perhaps the lack of protein is the culprit.  The last couple of days I have begun adding chia & sometimes flax into my juices.....these are to up the protein content....but, no improvement in the way I feel as of yet.  So, I decided to have a lean, grass fed beef burger yesterday (the bread & butter I just wanted).....and although it went down well.....I literally still feel as if I have a brick in my I don't think its moving thru me correctly yet.  I should have heeded the advice of those who juiced before me....and eased into other foods more slowly.  I should have switched back to eating fresh produce along with my juicing for a time before adding in other items.  So, now....what to do?  I had planned on returning to eating this weekend, while still incorporating juicing in for a couple of meals.  My CSA starts Saturday, so I figured I would juice each week until I run out of each week wold be a mini fast......but then, of course, that would mean no easing into or out of the fast.....doesn't sound ideal. SO, then I thought I could juice during the day & add in a supper of eating lean meats & perhaps a smoothie of veggies & fruits......I think that is the route I will go, and see how long the produce from my CSA will last.
Good news, I did lose another 2lbs, so total lost = 19lbs.

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