Re-discovering Health in Nature

Re-Discovering Health in Nature!

Nature is not just the inspiration for my art anymore.....Nature will define how I live my life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Reboot - Day 17 Juice Only Day 4

I got nuthin for answers, no theories.....  All I know is my body does not like to lose weight!  I have only lost another .5lb since starting Juice Only. 4.5 juices on Monday, 5 juices yesterday..... Plus I've gone for hikes both days....even tho I've been extremely tired (I could've taken a nap! I never nap!)...and pretty hungry most of the day.  I'll try to at least finish my 5 days tomorrow......
I suppose I shouldn't be so obsessed with the scale.  My blood pressure is normal!!!!  Better than normal!!!!  That is an enormous health improvement, even if I hadn't lost a pound!  So, obviously....there is something to be said for this lifestyle.  But, at the same time, I should be able to lose weight. I am donating blood tomorrow, so am anxious to see if my cholesterol has improved as well.
 I am all out of green veggies, except for 1 pepper, and a couple of jalapenos.  I've still got a bunch of carrots and celery.....apples & we'll see how far that goes......but costs are getting a bit prohibitive too.  I've been debating joining the CSA, as I think the share may be reduced due  to the extreme hot & dry summer we are having.  I don't have the luxury of wasting money.
I'll reevaluate tomorrow.....but, I think I will resume eating food this weekend, and just add in a juice or 2 each day.
Tired of thinking and re-thinking this so, just gonna get on with it.....later....

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