Re-discovering Health in Nature

Re-Discovering Health in Nature!

Nature is not just the inspiration for my art anymore.....Nature will define how I live my life.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reboot - day 3

After 2 full days on my reboot, I am down 6.5#. very motivating!
Last night's supper of tomato soup was not everything I'd dreamed of....but, at least it was a little different:
4 organic vine tomatoes
1 jalapeno (my revision)
1/4 cup cashews (I used mixed nuts, primarily cashews)
Cream all together in a blender.
I also added a little warm water, as it was too thick.  I added the jalapeno because it was just too bland without it.  The nuts help to add the creaminess....but what it really needs is sun dried tomatoes!  I plan to try this again tonight with that addition, and hoping it will have more of that tomato flavor I am looking for!  I don't think I was supposed to have the nuts during my reboot....but, truthfully, I didn't even think of that until I was actually eating (drinking) it.  I think I will leave them out tonight and find a substitute for creaminess.
Yesterday, I made a big batch of juices that would carry me thru today.  This is a huge time saver and motivator!  I had read that it is best to drink the fresh juice right away because as soon as it is exposed to oxygen, the nutrients begin to leach out.  That is a fact!   However, sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees.......  I was shown the light by a fellow blogger.  He pointed out that convenience is certainly a huge help in maintaining any kind of diet plan, let alone something as time consuming as juicing!  And although the juice does lose some nutrients in storing, it is still infinitely more nutritious than anything I could buy at a store.  I can minimize nutrient loss by storing in an airtight container, preferably away from light (ie: wrap a clear jar with foil).  So, this is my new mantra.....and will most definitely be a great factor in being able to continue drinking juice when I return to work.
So,,,,,,for breakfast this morn, I have a lovely brown juice (most of my juices end up being brow, as I tend to throw everything but the kitchen sink in them).
Apple, lemon, strawberries, blueberries, carrots, celery, spinach, chard
Its pretty darn yummy,.........looks can definitely be deceiving!

Yesterday I  was awfully hungry quite a bit...especially in to the night.  As I am doing the modified reboot (I eat raw fruits & veggies along with juicing), I think I relied too much on eating fruits, and didn't drink enough juice.  I will try to be more conscious of that today, and make sure I drink at least 5 juices today.
I will say, however, that I woke up feeling great today!  Full of energy, almost acheless, and very committed!
In the documentary, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, Joe talks about his commitment very early in his fast.  He is drinking his juice, and realizes that nothing will derail his commitment to juicing.  Not people eating around him, nor the delectable aromas of food.......he is committed to his plan and that's that!  I must say.......that I feel that same way!  You know when you start a diet....and then go to work, and they have a birthday cake for someone......and you are easily persuaded to have a slice?  I've been there too many times to count!  But, when you are truly is almost easy to refrain from those kinds of temptations.  Although, I do think it helps a tremendous amount that I incorporate eating fruits & veggies!  Especially, when you're out & about & run out of juice.....much easier to run in the store & grab some fruit!
As I am starting to get hungry again...(been 2.5 hours since my morning juice), gonna go grab some cherries!

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