Re-discovering Health in Nature

Re-Discovering Health in Nature!

Nature is not just the inspiration for my art anymore.....Nature will define how I live my life.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

LOVE Your Mother

Big Sale just for my loyal readers :)
Now through Mother's Day:
Email me your order and get 25% OFF + FREE SHIPPING on your entire order!
I will send you an invoice through PAYPAL and ship USPS Priority Mail.
Visit the website now!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Just spent the past 2 rainy days working on the wrist is aching.....I wonder if carpal tunnel syndrome can return??
Anyhow.....even with all the updating...its still not done......I do have ring & earring pics all uploaded tho....earring descriptions are in...nothing on the ring page yet ........too tired for anymore tonight....ready for, night for now....

Friday, April 24, 2009

Summer is here!

At least for today :)
I had today scheduled off from work....and what a perfect day I picked! 82 degrees right now....lovin it!
I took some items into Sparrow Collective (actually Fasten Collective, they don't change their name until May 1st) today.......I think this shop could be an excellent fit for my eclectic taste. I dropped off some stained glass wrap bracelets, wire wrap bracelets, an assortment of necklaces, including my new skeleton key and book necklaces. Also, took in some soaps & massage oils. I love that their shop is a varied mix of items......if I can create it, I think it would fit in there.
I'm working in the studio today as well.....I've had an idea in my mind for awhile now, and finally created it! Its primarily patinaed copper, fabricated with soapstone beads....kind of a chunky choker. Ken didn't think too much of it...but then, he's not a fashionista!
Anyhow.....its lovely to sit here in the breeze...but I've got more ideas to put to wire!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I've been spending much of this week doing business maintenance......a little dreary, but will be helpful in the long run. I've re-vamped my business card....adding a little bio type on the well as new tags for each item.....which also includes the bio on the back. I'm giving all of my items defining names and ID numbers for easy inventory control. See? Doens't sound too exciting, does it......but I need to know where things are.....especially as I branch out. To better keep track of items on consignment, or listed on different websites.....really helps to be able to find an item at a glance.
I'm still not done with all that....but need a little creative time as, working on some more skeleton key jewelry today.
I've also made some hand milled soap this week. Hand-milling requires a regular batch of soap that you melt down with water, and additional oils and botanical ingredients. The addition of the oils in the hand-milling process creates a super-fatted, luxurious bar of soap....extra creamy & rich!! I've made Yummy Banana, Fresh Forest, and Spicy Citrus.......they'll need a couple of weeks to completely cure....then I'll get them posted on the website.
Alrighty....back to the studio for me......

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Biking on the Glacial Drumlin Trail yesterday, 3.5 hours, wore me out completely! Wasn't up for anything once I got home....except lunch :) But today is a different story. Going to start making some soaps today, before I start on Easter dinner. Haven't made soap in quite a few months truly looking forward to it! There's just something about the awsome smell of even just the raw soap before a scent is added.....and the way it feels when you're blending it. The most fun part just deciding what kind to make. I'm going to go downstairs now, and check out all of my scents......make something I've never made before. I'll let you know what I decide......

Friday, April 10, 2009

Inventory Clearance Sale!

I'm trying to revamp my website.......just uploaded new compressed pics so it loads more quickly, easier viewing. I've finally gotten the hang of updating, new items will be posting soon. I need to clear out some of the older inventory, so currently offering huge reductions on all of my stained glass, sea glass and panel glass necklaces. Other items will be marked down soon! Then....make way for lots of new creations!
Hope you'll stop by, take a look, offer ideas of what you'd like to see.........til then....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Midweek, and no time to work in the studio. I can't wait for the long days of summer, when I can explore all of my new ideas. My new kiln is not yet operational....its more work than I thought trying to connect it. I have to have a special, dedicated recepticle and have not even had time to look into that yet. I want to have it up at least by summer, hopefully before. Ceramics was my first love, and still feels like my greatest creative outlet....and I can't wait to start pounding the clay again! Friday I'm meeting with a shop owner who expressed interest in selling some of my things.....wish me luck there!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I've gotten alot done the last couple of, today, taking a break. Going biking :) Although its only 28 degrees right now......I guess we're still planning on going. It better warm up in the next hour & 1/2! At least the sun is out once nice is that! Those long cold, dreary days of winter really drag you down......what a difference the sun makes, even if it is still cold. I'm sure it will just feel wonderful to get the legs moving again.

I do plan on doing some more work this afternoon......I think with skeleton keys, til then...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Starting out

I've decided that to enrich myself (and my pocketbook;) as well as grow my business, I need to network, connect with others who may share my vision. Creation is what I love, so why shouldn't I be able to make a living creating?

I like to surround myself with tactile adventures.......things that are not only visually interesting, but inviting to touch as well. One of my favorite surfaces is rough bark. Although I have not yet successfully implemented bark in my designs, I am forever contemplating it, and some day I shall succeed!

Day 1

My first blog! Yeahhh!
Spent too much time on this...have to get outside for my nature fix.....back later.......