Re-discovering Health in Nature

Re-Discovering Health in Nature!

Nature is not just the inspiration for my art anymore.....Nature will define how I live my life.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Another 3 Years.......ReBoot Part 2

Once again, I am dumbfounded by the amount of time that has passed by me, and how I've lost touch with this blog.
I think I rediscover it when I am at a particularly introspective time in my life where I am looking for guidance or inspiration....from my former self.
I just re-read my posts, and must say that I find them very inspiring!  There are parts of them that I don't even remember, parts of my journey that I had forgotten, details that fell by the wayside.....but, am truly happy to be revisiting today!

Juicing!  That was a great journey, and I think it is a journey I'd like to try again.  Too much junk has crept slowly back into my life that I am very much in need of a Re-Boot.
Although, in my mind's eye, I feel that I've been eating pretty healthily all summer, and biking at least 4x/wk....I can't get the scale to move......and, unfortunately, that is still my goal.
I'm not sure that I want to do a total juice there are things that I don't want to eliminate, such as:

Kombucha - a fermented tea, pro-biotic - make it myself- Love it!

Coconut oil, flour etc - have discovered this incredible, nutritional powerhouse.

 I use the oil  as a butter replacement on popcorn, in mashed potatoes, etc. (not to mention that it is the number one face treatment that I use)  Super Yum!  I also just discovered the flour in my baking.  Just made a very interesting coconut flour bread today that I found on  The Radiant Life Blog, by Kayla Grossmann:
6 Pastured eggs
2 tbsp raw honey   (I used Grade B Maple Syrup)
1/2 cup grassfed gheecoconut oil or butter*, melted (I used Coconut Oil)
1/2 tsp celtic sea salt
3/4 cup organic coconut flour, sifted
1 tsp aluminum-free baking powder

Its less like bread, and more like cake/corn bread.  Has a very pleasant, simple, mild taste, slightly sweet.  I could totally see having this with maple syrup for a breakfast treat.  But fresh out of the oven, it was splendid with cool butter!

Next up - Sweet Potato Flatbread (also from Kayla Grossmann)
1 1/2 tsp bovine gelatin
3 tbsp baked sweet potato, mashed
1 pastured egg
1/4 teaspoon unrefined salt

As you can see, all of these ingredients are inherently healthy.

So, for the beginning of this Reboot - round 2, I will add in a good amount of healthy juices, fruits, vegetables, as well as choose ONLY healthy, homemade non-juice items.  I will log everything into the health app on my phone, and see what progresses.

As mush as I lauded the amazing results from my last juice fast, and even stated how I'd "finally discovered the secret"......I know that it is not a lifestyle plan for me.  For a short duration?  Yes!  Incorporated into an otherwise healthy eating lifestyle?  Most definitely!  But exclusively, for eternity??  Not something that I can or want to maintain.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Veggie Broth

Quick update to my tomato soup post:
I was able to make my own organic vegetable broth from the pulp left over after juicing veggies.  Just added some water to the pulp, a diced onion, 6 cloves of garlic, some spices and simmered for an hour or so.  Strained out the pulp, and ta-da.....Homemade, zero cost, organic vegetable broth!  I will say that the underlying aroma leaves a bit to be desired....I think its from the kale pulp......but, it tastes just fine with the addition of roasted & sun-dried tomatoes, and roasted peppers.  Extravagant taste for cheapskate price....can't beat it!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sun Dried Tomatoes-without the sun

I previously posted about my amazing Hot & Spicy Tomato Soup.....its as expensive as it is delicious!

Here's the approximate costs:
4 organic tomatoes = $4
1 organic jalapeno = $1
1 organic bell pepper = $2.50
1 jar organic sun-dried tomatoes = $8
1 carton organic vegetable broth = $4

TOTAL Cost = $19.50

Whooooo....that's some gooood soup!  It makes about 4 good size servings....but still pretty expensive.
I've decided the only way I can make this at a reasonable cost is to grow my own veggies (which didn't happen this year) or get a good amount form my CSA (which I did this week).
My CSA box this week contained several bell peppers, a couple of jalapenos, a bag of roma tomatoes....and the best part:  she saved a big box of "not-so-perfect" tomatoes for me, because she knows I'll take anything.  With these I made my own "sun-dried tomatoes", without the sun!
Here's how:
4 lbs of tomatoes
1 dehyrdrator

Wash tomatoes
remove tough stem end and any bruises
slice tomatoes in approximately 4 equal portions
place on trays in dehydrator

dehydrate until leathery (raisin like) not brittle

How easy is that???
It took about 18 hours in my "old" dehydrator....but, it may only take only 4-6 hours if you have one that can actually regulate temperature, and you set it at 140.
This made a little over a pound of sun-dried tomatoes.....enough for 4 little packets which I sealed and placed in freezer.  I will use 1 packet in each soup just saved myself $32.  Now, the only thing I will need to buy is the vegetable broth.
My next goal is to make my own veggie broth.......I wonder if I can make it from my leftover pulp???

Reboot - Day 48

Update on the reboot, before I move on to other things.....
I have not felt any extreme fatigue since I removed lemon rinds form my it coincidental?  I don't know....but am happy with the results.  I've been alternating: juicing & eating produce for 5-10 days, followed by 2-4 days of incorporating a few other foods.....not eating all day long, but eating a meal or two of meats, bread etc. along with the juicing.  I always gain a few pounds when I eat non-produce foods.....but, it seems like after a couple of days of gaining a pound or two, it stabilizes as long as I keep juicing as well, and don't overdo the other items.  I even begin to lose again.....   and as soon as I switch back to only juicing and eating fresh produce, I begin to lose weight immediately.  I feel like I've finally found the secret!   And the secret is: don't diet!  This is a lifestyle change....not a diet.  I guess I needed to be in the right mindset to actually change my lifestyle.....but, here I am and embracing it fully!  So far I've lost 26lbs.  I've had days where I've actually gained weight, even while juicing and eating produce.......I try to figure out what could've caused this.  Usually, I think it is too much fruit.   Some days, when I haven't had time to juice the previous night, I end up buying a Bolthouse or Naked Juice from the store.  If I drink that all day, with no homemade juices, I tend to gain, as they seem to have too many fruits in them.  So, although I still like to supplement with the store bought juices.....I will try to limit it to just 1 -2/day (no more than 1-2 days/wk).   For instance, last week I worked 2 days in a row til 6pm and didn't feel at all like juicing when I finally got used the Bolthouse juice,  The Bolthouse Green Goodness juice seems to be the best bet, with the most veggies in it.  If I choose one of the fruit laden juices, I gain.  So, obviously I'm constantly learning & tweaking.....but, what a great knowledge base I'm gaining!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Not Just a Reboot - Working With Stones Too!

I've taken a little break from juicing this week.  I've still had juice everyday...but, have added in meats & bread, and eating produce as well.  I needed something, as I was fatiguing too easily.  Now, from everything I've read, you are supposed to gain energy while juicing full time....that wasn't happening for changed it up.  I intend to start back on my juice reboot today....but, going forward slightly differently.  I decided to re-read my juicing book, just for inspiration, and to remind myself of some knowledge I've gained along the way.  One little quip about lemons caught my eye!  Lemon rinds contain citral, which can interfere with Vitamin A absorption.  I wondered if this could have anything to do with my extreme muscle fatigue.....especially since almost every juice I make has at least 1 lemon in it, rind & all!  So, from now on, I will be peeling all of my lemons, and I will report back on how I feel this time around.  Hoping its something as simple as this!

Now, for something completely different (thank you Monty Python!):
I've finally started working with the beach stones that I brought back from our vacation on the shores of Lake Michigan. 
 They are so simple, yet simply beautiful in their simplicity!
I haven't done anything extravagant with them yet, tho I have a few other ideas rummaging around in my head.  Actually, I have set tiny gem stones inside a few of them....though, I'm not entirely sure I like that concept at all.  I had thought it might be complimentary.....adding a little sparkle to something so innately primitive......but, I'm not quite dazzled by it at fact, I haven't even taken any pictures of them yet, so that speaks a lot!
Just to be clear, those little dots on the stone in the 2nd pic are natural inclusions, and not the gem stones I just spoke of.
Another project I have been working on is copper band rings.......I haven't' figured out what I'd like to top them with they sit downstairs unadorned....perhaps I'll have another go at that today....see how I get inspired......

I'm off....

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Reboot - Day 23:

The last couple of days I have incorporated eating a peach, along with the juice.  Yesterday, I totally broke my fast by eating a piece of bread &  butter & a hamburger for dinner, along with my tomato soup.  I had been feeling extremely tired the last few legs would just burn after walking bike ride would wear me out completely, to where it was all I could do to get back to my car.  Juicing is supposed to give you tons of energy...from everything I've read.....and at the beginning I did feel as if that were so.  But as time has gone on, I feel no energy at all.  I have to admit, that I did stop using the spirulina in my juice, as the taste was too perhaps the lack of protein is the culprit.  The last couple of days I have begun adding chia & sometimes flax into my juices.....these are to up the protein content....but, no improvement in the way I feel as of yet.  So, I decided to have a lean, grass fed beef burger yesterday (the bread & butter I just wanted).....and although it went down well.....I literally still feel as if I have a brick in my I don't think its moving thru me correctly yet.  I should have heeded the advice of those who juiced before me....and eased into other foods more slowly.  I should have switched back to eating fresh produce along with my juicing for a time before adding in other items.  So, now....what to do?  I had planned on returning to eating this weekend, while still incorporating juicing in for a couple of meals.  My CSA starts Saturday, so I figured I would juice each week until I run out of each week wold be a mini fast......but then, of course, that would mean no easing into or out of the fast.....doesn't sound ideal. SO, then I thought I could juice during the day & add in a supper of eating lean meats & perhaps a smoothie of veggies & fruits......I think that is the route I will go, and see how long the produce from my CSA will last.
Good news, I did lose another 2lbs, so total lost = 19lbs.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Reboot - Day 20: Juice Only - day 7

Boy, that last post was not indicative of my juicing journey!
I have done a complete 180 (mentally), and am still juicing.......with results every day!
#1 - I've lost another 2.5lbs, total weight lost = 17lbs (in 19 days)
#2 - My total cholesterol = 171 (was 250 last 2 times I donated blood)
#3 - My blood pressure has normalized to anywhere from 96/65 to 117/78 (was 140/90)
Those are some pretty astounding results after such a short period of time, (3 weeks)!
Just think about all of those people on medications to lower their cholesterol and/or blood pressure.....this is ALL they need to do!  (I guess this is just my experience, and may not be universal, but, certainly  worth a try!  Better than taking prescription meds)

I wonder how these numbers will change when I add back in other foods.  I have a freezer full of grass fed beef, which is comparable to chicken in fat content, and highly nutritious, so I don't anticipate that being a factor.  I do love bread & butter tho.....and I am thinking that could be an I will aim to limit my consumption of breads....perhaps only make my own.  Loads to think about and plan....I don't want to negate all the good I have done for myself, so need to have a definite plan.

Yesterday, I decided to make my hot & spice tomato technically, that broke my fast.....and boy did I know it!  I had only just finished it when I needed to use the bathroom immediately, and repeatedly!  Not to be disgusting.....but, just the facts.  And the info I've read about breaking a fast tells you just this sort of stuff.  One thing it says, is to break the fast by eating fruits & veggies only for a time.  Well, my soup is only veggies.....but it still went thru me like a freight train!  Oh evening soup fared bathroom rushes......I still have some soup left for today (which I am going to have as soon as I finish this post).....but, once it is gone, I am going to return to juice only.
Its funny......way back on June 23rd, when I saw the posting regarding the Group Reboot .......5 days seemed intimidating.  I wondered if I could really do it!  I am not sure I could've or would've if I hadn't had the support of everyone else participating in the Reboot.  It was (and still is) wonderful sharing ideas, concerns, recipes, etc, as well as hearing how everyone was coping with the inevitable temptations.  Way back then, all I could think about was just getting thru those 5 days, and looking forward to eating steak!  Well, I must admit, I still think about steak almost everyday......and the aromas of bar-b-que, that you just can't escape on a summer day when you're out & about, are so tempting!  But, at the same time.....I know I can keep going with juicing for as long as I want.  I am in control!  I still want that steak, but, I know it will be there when I am ready to return to it.  As I was telling a friend the other is your mind-set!  You know when you are capable of something, and you just do it!  If the mind-set isn't there, you are doomed to failure.....or at least feel miserable while you are doing it.  If its worth doing, its worth doing right & happily!  I can honestly say that I am happy just juicing....even when my stomach is grumbling, and I imagine chewing on a piece of steak.....I am still happy to go and grab my juice and know that I am making such a positive impact on my health!