Re-discovering Health in Nature

Re-Discovering Health in Nature!

Nature is not just the inspiration for my art anymore.....Nature will define how I live my life.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Another 3 Years.......ReBoot Part 2

Once again, I am dumbfounded by the amount of time that has passed by me, and how I've lost touch with this blog.
I think I rediscover it when I am at a particularly introspective time in my life where I am looking for guidance or inspiration....from my former self.
I just re-read my posts, and must say that I find them very inspiring!  There are parts of them that I don't even remember, parts of my journey that I had forgotten, details that fell by the wayside.....but, am truly happy to be revisiting today!

Juicing!  That was a great journey, and I think it is a journey I'd like to try again.  Too much junk has crept slowly back into my life that I am very much in need of a Re-Boot.
Although, in my mind's eye, I feel that I've been eating pretty healthily all summer, and biking at least 4x/wk....I can't get the scale to move......and, unfortunately, that is still my goal.
I'm not sure that I want to do a total juice there are things that I don't want to eliminate, such as:

Kombucha - a fermented tea, pro-biotic - make it myself- Love it!

Coconut oil, flour etc - have discovered this incredible, nutritional powerhouse.

 I use the oil  as a butter replacement on popcorn, in mashed potatoes, etc. (not to mention that it is the number one face treatment that I use)  Super Yum!  I also just discovered the flour in my baking.  Just made a very interesting coconut flour bread today that I found on  The Radiant Life Blog, by Kayla Grossmann:
6 Pastured eggs
2 tbsp raw honey   (I used Grade B Maple Syrup)
1/2 cup grassfed gheecoconut oil or butter*, melted (I used Coconut Oil)
1/2 tsp celtic sea salt
3/4 cup organic coconut flour, sifted
1 tsp aluminum-free baking powder

Its less like bread, and more like cake/corn bread.  Has a very pleasant, simple, mild taste, slightly sweet.  I could totally see having this with maple syrup for a breakfast treat.  But fresh out of the oven, it was splendid with cool butter!

Next up - Sweet Potato Flatbread (also from Kayla Grossmann)
1 1/2 tsp bovine gelatin
3 tbsp baked sweet potato, mashed
1 pastured egg
1/4 teaspoon unrefined salt

As you can see, all of these ingredients are inherently healthy.

So, for the beginning of this Reboot - round 2, I will add in a good amount of healthy juices, fruits, vegetables, as well as choose ONLY healthy, homemade non-juice items.  I will log everything into the health app on my phone, and see what progresses.

As mush as I lauded the amazing results from my last juice fast, and even stated how I'd "finally discovered the secret"......I know that it is not a lifestyle plan for me.  For a short duration?  Yes!  Incorporated into an otherwise healthy eating lifestyle?  Most definitely!  But exclusively, for eternity??  Not something that I can or want to maintain.

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